And I know that's kind of lame. ...Ok, very lame?
Still, with all the things that have changed—mainly having a baby due in June (*nesting* and house preparation, exhaustion, financial stress, worrying and praying and more worrying because worrying is what mothers do, eating all the things and having the weight—but not the appearance, apparently; “all belly”—to show for it) and Chris' workplace deciding they'll still have him work full time, but only 30 hours (translation: he now works 3 days a week and they think this is remotely acceptable for the breadwinner of the family...uhhh NO, try again ::hulk smash::)—life has been messy, and blogging has been one of the smaller concerns on a growing list.
That said, I'm still just as ambitious—or, if you prefer and are a realist, CRAZY—and have decided to take on my first Camp NaNo adventure and embrace the PAD Challenge for the second time. I'm planning to revise ~50% of Whispers and Murmurs during Camp; already have my fabulous cabinmates picked out, and am loving it. And of course I'm planning on being a boss at writing poems :D haha.
I'm also flying to Vermont in 5 days to see family for the first time in almost 4 years. April is a busy, busy month...
So...what now?
- I'll post my review of The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury before the month is up.
- Also our gender reveal...because the pictures amuse me and why not? (:
- In April, I'm going to post my PAD accomplishments here once a week, just as I did last year, and will be sharing information about it tomorrow because GUYS, PAD is so, so fun. Even if you don't fancy yourself a poet, you should try it out.
About Camp NaNo and PAD:
Camp NaNoWriMo is a virtual writer’s retreat, designed for maximum flexibility and creativity. We have Camp sessions in both April and July, and we welcome word-count goals between 30 and 1,000,000. In addition, writers can tackle any project they’d like, including new novel drafts, revision, poetry, scripts, and short stories.
Young writer? Check out Camp deets here.
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PAD...with Robert Lee Brewer:
PAD stands for Poem-A-Day, so this is a challenge in which poets write a poem each day of April. Usually, I’ll post a prompt in the morning (Atlanta, Georgia, time), and poets will write a poem in response.
Some poets share those poems on the (Writer's Digest) blog in the comments; others keep their words to themselves. I don’t require comments on the blog to participate, but it does make it more fun when poets are firing away on the blog.
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